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Found 12363 results for any of the keywords peter youngren. Time 0.012 seconds.
Peter Youngren, also known as Peter Ljunggren, is a Swedish Christian evangelist, pastor, and author. He is the founder of World Impact Ministries (WIM). -- Wikipedia Peter Youngren Peter Youngren World Impact MinistriesPeter Youngren - World Impact Ministries
Peter Youngren Peter Youngren is the Founder of World Impact MinistrPeter Youngren is the Founder of World Impact Ministries.
Peter Youngren Peter Youngren Evangelist, Pastor AuthorPeter Youngren - Evangelist, Pastor Author
Peter YoungrenPeter Youngren is recognized as one of the leading communicators of the Jesus Christ in the Holy Scriptures to mass audiences of non-Christian faiths around the world.
Peter Youngren World Impact MinistriesThank you for your prayers and giving to help World Impact Ministries and Peter Youngren say yes to opportunities to reach those who have never heard the Gospel
@peter-youngren on TumblrAuthor/Founder of Single Ready Waiting - Interviewed on Peter Youngren...
@peteryoungrenblog on TumblrPeter Youngren on John Piper Tornadoes
World Impact Ministries Default SiteApologies! If you are seeing this page than the
Biography of Peter JonesThe prevailing opinion among historians is that the City of Petersburg is named for Peter Jones. If indeed this is the case, precious little historical information exists on the life of Peter Jones. His parents, his birt
Negotiation Advisor, Author Speaker Peter D. Johnston | NAIPeter D. Johnston is an international negotiation advisor, leading consultant, speaker and best-selling author of Negotiating with Giants and Weapons of Peace.
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